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Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 95 in total

Halloween Minute 30 – “the illusion of grace and salvation”

Talking the Coupe de Villes, 60s violence, and the many roles that Michael Myers has to play.

Halloween Minute 31 – “and leaves the world to darkness and to me”

Talking cemeteries, poetry, Spoon River Anthology, Nightdance, and Charlie Bowles.

Halloween Minute 32 – “it’s basically a love song”

Talking “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper” and the inevitability of death, the anonymity of wearing a mask, the Alexandria Quartet and Michael Myers as Laurie’s id.

Halloween Minute 33 – “I think I maybe accidentally killed a couple ants”

Allison Waddell of Mean Girls Minute is with me to talk Mike Myers, power windows, spoilers, and whether or not Nichols Hardware’s alarm might go off for hours.

Halloween Minute 34 – “Does Jamie Lee Curtis not have boobs?”

Allison Waddell of Mean Girls Minute is with me again to talk mean girls, close calls, ‘70s bra wearing practices, filming at sunset, and being too timid to ask someon...

Halloween Minute 35 – “and I put the blanket over my head”

Allison Waddell of Mean Girls Minute is with me again to talk #MeanGirlsDay, John Carpenter naming characters after his friends, and seeing Halloween for the first time.

Halloween Minute 36 – “would you scare the homeless children?”

Talking Mark Edmundson’s book “Nightmare on Main Street”, Carol Clover’s concept of “psychosexual fury”, and what we want from a slasher film; trusting in authority fi...

Halloween Minute 37 – “the voice was whispering something to him”

Michael watches Annie brush her hair and has some unpleasant feelings. Novelization Loomis gets sidetracked by American drug culture, and then Sheriff Brackett and Doc...

Halloween Minute 38 – “he’s not a very proactive doctor”

Johnie Powers of Austin Powers Minute is with me to talk silence, profiling Michael Myers, Charlie Cyphers’ acting , the upcoming H40 convention, and Doctor Loomis’ i...

Halloween Minute 39 – “take self defense classes so your fists are weapons”

Johnie Powers of Austin Powers Minute is with me to talk anxiety, jump scares, Doctor Loomis, his gun, and his shadiness.

Halloween Minute 40 – “outside, upstairs, in the attic”

After talking about the H40 convention (meeting Sasha Jenson, David Kyle, Lance Guest, Nick Castle and more), Johnie Powers of Austin Powers Minute joins me to talk Ha...

Halloween Minute 41 - "this white whale had not yet been caught"

Talking the H40 convention day 2 (including meeting JC Brand and Brian Andrews), obsession, Tommy Doyle's astronaut costume, King Arthur, fake comic books, and getting...

Halloween Minute 42 - "Making a new Halloween is more of a gimmick than a love affair"

A little bit of Annie getting some action from Lester and a whole lot of reviewing the new Halloween film.

Halloween Minute 43 - "no brown m&ms allowed backstage"

Reviewing Halloween (2018) again, talking Van Halen, contract riders, spoilers, cheap fan service versus loving homage, and Tommy Doyle sees the Shape outside as Jamie...

Halloween Minute 44 - "i should have made a list ahead of time"

Defending Annie Brackett, stripping and breaking out the cornstarch; talking Lester's dog trainer, Edith Myers, and casual google obsessions.

Halloween Minute 45 - "fancy and/or a choking hazard"

Harper W Harris of The Thing Minute joins me to talk The Thing from Another World, The Thing, , costumes, remakes, sequels, franchises, perspective, Quentin Tarantino,...

Halloween Minute 46 - "and I guess the dryer is in a tree"

Talking misidentification, laundry room locations, and panicking on the inside.

Halloween Minute 47 - "the hassle of explaining and repaying the Wallaces for the damage"

Talking Annie Brackett's laundry competence, bluing, The Streets of San Francisco, novelization vs film, and I hope you have an appropriately horrifying Halloween.

Halloween Minute 48 - "get into the... the darkness of him"

Talking Halloween night at Sugarmynt Gallery, dressing up as death, Lindsey Wallace's alien leadership, and not wanting to be interrupted while watching a movie.

Halloween Minute 49 - "this could just be avoided by if they had microwaveable popcorn in 1978"

Sean German and Dave Pallas of Groundhog Minute join me to talk nightmares, corpse disposal, inconvenient laundry sheds, and hoarding plants for winter.

Halloween Minute 50 - "Why does your shirt smell like teenage butter and popcorn?"

Sean German and Dave Pallas of Groundhog Minute are back with me to talk misplaced phones, borrowed shirts, age differences, and motivations, as Annie talks to Paul.

Halloween Minute 51 - "death is gonna catch us all"

Sean German and Dave Pallas of Groundhog Minute are with me one more time to talk IMDb goofs, the ease of babysitting Lindsey Wallace, daylight savings time, getting b...

Halloween Minute 52 - "you sound so disappointed that they'd get high instead of having an orgy"

Rick Ingham of Mad Max Minute is with me to talk time compression, side characters in a lived in universe, awful pet names, and the legwork involved in being a murderer.

Halloween Minute 53 - "sometimes, I think I put too much thought into these things"

This episode is mostly just me obsessing over the geography of the Wallace property, and wondering how Annie ever even found the garage in order to die there.

Halloween Minute 54 - "You don't know, anonymous IMDb goof writer"

Michael cleans the Wallace living room, Annie gets a phone call from her father about being safe, then proceeds to get into a car with the boogeyman.

Halloween Minute 55 - "I exist on the internet so I can be that way"

Alyson Grimm is with me to talk who's luckier--Paul or Danny; possession by Celtic boys, "real" fans of the franchise, retcons, and psychosexual fury.

Halloween Minute 56 - "Michael was a clown, once"

Alyson Grimm of Potent Podables is back to talk corpse juggling, mysterious voices, bell bottoms, The Real Ghostbusters, and Michael Myers' hygiene.

Halloween Minute 57 - "just like hanging out in the bushes"

Alyson Grimm of The Room Minute is with me again to talk Haddonfield palm trees, pervy Doctor Loomis lurking, Cal Worthington and his dog Spot, attorney Edgar Snyder, ...

Halloween Minute 58 - "Something that had no name, something hideous, something that now had a human form"

Stefan Hutchinson's "Sam", Joe Blevins' theory on Doctor Loomis as the real bogeyman, projection, pranks, moments of darkness, and looking past the wall.

Halloween Minute 59 - "slashed into crescent skulls for his glorification"

A scene from the Halloween II novelization sheds new light on Doctor Loomis, and Lynda and Bob bring us to Love's Baby Soft, Pretty Baby, and 70s perversion.

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