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Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 95 in total

Halloween Minute 60 - "I thought it was still sexual"

Michael Myers, Barry White, Lynda and Bob sitting on the couch, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Halloween Minute 61 - "Michael Myers is not Jason Voorhees"

Making out at the Wallace house, jack o' lantern carving at the Doyle house, and Halloween 2018 is too "slasher".

Halloween Minute 62 - "no need to explain Lindsey in the neighbor boy's pajamas"

Tommy mansplains, Laurie lies, and IMDb goofs wrong as usual as Lynda trips.

Halloween Minute 63 - "Old Mr. Zucchini's getting soft enough to mash"

Misplaced jack o' lanterns, awkward strip teases, and why I should never record audio books with sex scenes in them.

Halloween Minute 64 - "fads that sweep the theater - nudity or whatever"

Post-coital cigarettes are smoked... and that's about all for Minute 64. And, oh, Michael's watching.

Halloween Minute 65 - "as scripted, there’s too much going on"

Bob goes to get some beer, leaving Lynda to get comfortable. He arrives in the kitchen and finds some peanuts to go with the beer, and he hears a noise--someone is nea...

Halloween Minute 66 - "he makes a guttural sound deep in his throat"

An extra laundry closet, a dying Bob Simms, Michael Myers pinning people to walls, and if not my last IMDb goof rant, maybe my biggest.

Halloween Minute 67 - "we can scream at the screen but our cries will be impotent"

The orgin of bedsheet ghosts, some more of the history of trick-or-treating, Bob's a punk, and Michael is Bob.

Halloween Minute 68 - "the ferocity of a victim in full panic"

Rotary dial phones, "The Shape Lurks" musical cue, and famous squealing.

Halloween Minute 69 - "The girl danced madly in his clutches, biting, kicking, wriggling, scratching, pounding, pulling, striking"

Lynda's struggle ends and I explore the timing and the sounds as Laurie realizes that something is very wrong tonight.

Halloween Minute 70 - "attuning himself to the vibrations of evil in the air and trying to get a fix "

As Laurie checks on the children, Loomis wanders the streets in search of a feeling.

Halloween Minute 71 - "she alone looks death in the face"

Loomis has located his stolen station wagon and Laurie heads to the Wallace house, and I discuss Carol Clover's take on the Final Girl.

Halloween Minute 72 - "Welcome to Michael Myers Second, where we delve into the 1978 horror classic Halloween's Minute 72 one second at a time"

Laurie crosses Orange Grove, crosses the Rubicon, crosses the Styx, and I'm talking about lighting, I'm talking about dogs barking, I'm talking about will o' the wisps...

Halloween Minute 73 - "as if to hear some sound of life from the inside"

Laurie arrives at the Wallace house, geography is a little screwy, and is Laurie a feminist Final Girl?

Halloween Minute 74 - "to surprise the friends she assumes are waiting to scare her"

Nitpicking the whole "filmed in Pasadena" thing, talking about unlikable characters, and Laurie can't seem to find her friends in the Wallace house.

Halloween Minute 75 - "The murders punctuate the suspense, they do not overshadow it.”

Another slow walk, as Laurie approaches and starts up the stairs in the Wallace house, with some wonderful John Carpenter music scoring the tension.

Halloween Minute 76 - "She is divided between light and shadow."

Laurie approaches the master bedroom in the Wallace house, punctuated by some great Carpenter score, and she finds... well, we all know who and what she finds there.

Halloween Minute 77 - "as if our eyes have suddenly begun to adjust to the darkness"

In the novelization, the bodies are more damaged, and Laurie fights back a little more, but the film has two iconic visuals inside one minute.

Halloween Minute 78 - "Finally, she notices the stunt glass and, SECOND 46, she breaks it with both hands. And, we get another IMDb goof"

The Shape gets his arm stuck, Laurie can't get out of the Wallace house, and when she does, she goes the wrong way.

Halloween Minute 79 - “No more trick or treat! It's late. Go away! We have no more candy!”

Front yards, back yards, duplicate doors, falling down, picking yourself back up, and screaming for help, only to lose your keys. Don't be Laurie Strode if you can hel...

Halloween Minute 80 - "these are probably names of people who tried to be whistleblowers and had to be silenced"

From flying geraniums to flightless astronauts, matching phones to mismatched houses, as a teenage girl's mind is broken when she realizes the phone doesn't work.

Halloween Minute 81 - "she wondered what grades your teachers gave you if you died mid-term; she wondered what they'd dress her in for the funeral"

Laurie is in her head in the novelization as she waits for Michael to strike. He strikes, she strikes back. He falls to the floor.

Halloween Minute 82 - "If only this were nineteenth-century Transylvania"

Loomis' evil radar isn't working, Brackett is useless, but oh, is that music setting the mood.

Halloween Minute 83 - “Ready or not, here I come.”

In the novelization, Laurie listens for the Shape's sounds downstairs; in the film, she gets the kids ready to make a run for it; and the bogeyman arrives to foil thos...

Halloween Minute 84 - "like he was flailing uncontrollably a moment ago but knows exactly what he’s doing now"

Minute 84 takes place entirely in a closet, lights flicker, hangers fall, and a door is broken.

Halloween Minute 85 - "Loomis is crazed, unhinged. In the novelization, he’s running on some sort of evil radar right now… because that’s normal."

Michael's supressed sexuality, Loomis' madness, and the stupid mistakes that reviewers, writers, filmmakers, and fans make.

Halloween Minute 86 - "a last echo of Halloween play"

Laurie sends the kids to the MacKenzies, 3 years later in Halloween 2 the dialogue is just slightly different, and outside Loomis' "evil radar" has failed him.

Halloween Minute 87 - "You go to Hell, Michael Myers, or whatever your name really is!"

Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride joins me (sort of) as Loomis arrives just in time to recognize and shoot Michael Myers.

Halloween Minute 88 - "and be assured that he and the evil he represents are no more"

Alan Sanders of The Wilder Ride is with me again as Michael falls, Loomis can't really see the lawn below, and Laurie magically knows that the boogeyman isn't really d...

Halloween Minute 89 - "a dream about his vengeance on a Druid girl who had not returned his love"

The film proper comes to an end, with looks back into the novelization, into Chaos Comics, into Michael's childhood and ancestry, and a look forward into Halloween II

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